October 10th is International Handbag Day! In honor of this day, I would like to share my handbag and its contents.
On average, I buy one new handbag every year. That's quite little for many women, but for me my bag is a utensil that gets dirty and wears out and I simply don't have the patience to throw the contents into another every time π .
I got this bag for my birthday, is made of leather, has a shoulder strap and has even lasted almost 2 years now, I think. In the past I also have bags with short handles, which I also really liked, but with the packing, unpacking and lugging of twins, I especially like the fact that my bag hangs on my hip.
I don't want to say that I'm inseparable from my handbag, because I don't handle it carefully enough for that. But I wouldn't want to miss it again because there's a lot in it that I can't or don't want to do without.
But what's in that handbag?
β’ Wallet
β’ Keys
β’ Phone + earphones
β’ Sunglasses + night glasses
β’ Cotton bag, because; no plastic bags for me
β’ Toiletry bag containing; mini deodorant, mini hair spray, nail file, hand cream and small can of Vaseline
β’ Recently the First aid pouch containing; a few plasters, paracetamol and lady stuff
β’ A notebook + pen, because; you will come up with an idea along the way
Even though it's 'only' the contents of my handbag, I feel naked for a while after writing down this list π€ That's why I challenge you: Will you share the contents of your handbags with me? Then I don't just feel so naked π
Use #beezonderehandtas and maybe we'll see very handy things together to take in our own handbag π